Earlier this month, The Flagstone Initiative's CEO and co-founder Shin Inoue was invited to present at the Community Preservation Corporation (CPC)'s 50th Anniversary Symposium in New York City, as part of their " Innovative Ideas for the Future of Housing " program. Shin made a presentation entitled "Improve Housing Stability for Rent-Burdened Families with Rent Splitting and Rent Loans," an idea that resonated with the assembled housing innovators, including academics, policymakers, advocates, and community leaders.
The event featured an impressive collection of innovators working to tackle the most pressing housing challenges facing American communities, and we are honored for the opportunity to share what we've learned about the impact of upstream financial stability programs for preventing eviction.
From Shin's presentation:
Millions of American households are rent-burdened, living paycheck to paycheck with no savings, vulnerable to small financial shocks.
Upstream prevention efforts like financial stability programs can give these vulnerable renters the ability to weather life's small shocks, avoid the specter of eviction, and keep them in their homes.
These simple upstream prevention solutions are cost effective and can have a big impact on widespread challenges for rent-burdened households. Let's make it happen.
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