It’s tax time, and for many of us that means refunds. It’s a great time to start putting some money aside for emergencies.
Vines has partnered with a nonprofit, The Flagstone Initiative, to offer an Emergency Savings Card to residents.
Residents with emergency savings are more financially stable, which is a win for both residents and the property, so Vines will match your savings.
Your monthly contribution: $20
Vines matches*: $20
Your total monthly savings: $40
*12 months x $20 = $240 match
Withdraw the money at any time, and use it for whatever you want. But if you keep saving and don’t withdraw,
you’ll have $500 in a year.
Automatic transfers make it easy to keep saving, and you can always skip a month, or stop automatic savings altogether.
*Up to $240/year per residential unit. For more program details, see our frequently asked questions.